Is it possible to "preload" an image using JavaScript in order to utilize it as a CSS background-image?

Is it possible to pre-load images into a web page using Javascript in order to use them as CSS background images without experiencing any delay due to requests or uploads?

If it is possible, how can this be achieved?

Answer №1

Avoid using JS for this task to prevent delaying the page load event. Instead, consider adding something like the following:

<img src="/path/to/image.jpg.png.gif.bmp" style="display: none" />

By doing so, a request for the image will be triggered and it will be stored in the local cache. This way, when setting the CSS background-image property, the image will already be available in the cache, eliminating the need for another request and avoiding delays.

If you prefer to achieve the same outcome without impacting the page load time, you can create the images dynamically in JavaScript. Here's an example that allows for preloading multiple images:

function preload(list, callback, imageCallback) {
    var at, len;
    at = len = list.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
        var img = new Image();
        img.onload = function() {
            if( imageCallback ) {
      , this, len-at, len);
            if( !--at ) {
        img.src = list[i];
        list[i] = img;

You can use this by calling:

var list = preload(["1.png","2.png","3.png" ... ], function complete(list) {
   console.log('images all loaded!');
}, function loaded(image, index, listCount) {
   console.log('image ' + index + ' of + 'listCount + 'is loaded');

(Credits to @rlemon for the preload code)

Answer №2

Instead of using a hidden img tag, I prefer to create a new Image element and attach an onload event to it. This way, you can set the image as a background-image for the desired element.

img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
  // set background-image
img.src = image_url;

Make sure to assign img.src after attaching the onload event, otherwise the image may load before the event is attached.

Here's a more comprehensive base to work with:

function preload(list, callback, imageCallback, errorCallback) {
  if (typeof(list) === "undefined"
      || list.length === 0) {
  var len = list.length;
  var timers = {};
  var checkLen0 = function() {
    if (len === 0) {
      if (typeof(callback) === "function") {
  var onload = function() {
    if (typeof(imageCallback) === "function") {;
  var onerror = function() {
    if (typeof(errorCallback) === "function") {;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = onload;
    timers[img] = window.setTimeout(5000, onerror);
    img.src = list[i];

Answer №3

While the suggestion from SomeKittens is sound, Jimmy pointed out that it may impact page load time. If you're utilizing jQuery, consider a different approach to maintain clear distinctions between style, structure, and logic:

  .preload-img { display: none; }


<div class = "preload-img">/path/to/another/image.jpg.png.gif.bmp</div>


    preloadImage = new Image();
    preloadImage.src = $(this).html();

Of course, you can further optimize or modify this implementation. The benefit of this method is that you can dynamically generate the <div> with PHP and ensure proper caching of all your JavaScript in a separate file.

Answer №4

If you're looking for a great tool for handling page loading, check out Emerge.js

Here's a snippet from the project's page: Emerge.js is a fantastic framework designed to streamline the process of coordinating page loading. Typically, when a complex webpage loads, images can appear in a haphazard order, leading to an unattractive flashing effect. To create smooth and synchronized animations, one would usually need to delve into programming. However, Emerge.js simplifies this task by eliminating the necessity for writing any Javascript code. Instead, the framework adopts a declarative approach where users specify the desired behavior for each element without worrying about the technical implementation. Notably, Emerge.js leverages jQuery to accomplish its goals.

Answer №5

It's worth noting in addition to what SomeKittens mentioned, for a large background image, it might be more efficient to load it hidden or via JavaScript after the initial page load. Content images can delay the completion of window.onload, potentially giving the impression of a slow loading website.

Since you're already using dynamic content, this could be a suitable approach for you. It also provides the flexibility to preload assets programmatically when needed, making maintenance tasks easier in the long run.

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