Is it possible to modify the global CSS in react-router according to the different routes?

I am attempting to customize a global CSS class (.ant-content) on a per-route basis. I have experimented with importing CSS files that override .ant-content for specific React components loaded in different routes. However, the issue is that these CSS files end up loading their styles even when the component is not being rendered. This could be due to the fact that the imports are executed regardless of whether a component is actually loaded.

Answer №1

If you have a CSS class that you'd like to override, such as this one:

.ant-content{ color: red }

You can utilize the specificity ordering rules of CSS to achieve this. For example, if you have a component in one of your routes that you want to overwrite and it looks like this

<div className='override'>
  <Component className='ant-content/>

Then in the CSS file imported into that component, you could use:

.override .ant-content{
  color: blue

This will effectively override the original .ant-content class since it has a higher level of 'specificity' than the original declaration. For more information on specificity, check out:

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