Is it possible to modify the button icon on hover by utilizing chakra-ui and vanilla-extract?

  • My stack includes nextjs13, chakra-ui, and vanilla-extract

Seeking guidance on how to update both icon and text within a button upon hover, utilizing chakra-ui and vanilla-extract.

The current setup of my button is as follows:

<Button >
 <svg width="16" height="18">
  <use xlinkHref={path/to/iconA}></use>
{!isFollowing ? <span>follow</span> : <span>following</span>}

I aim to display the 'follow' button with icon A if the logged-in user is not following the individual.
Likewise, I want to showcase "following" with icon A if the logged-in user already follows the individual.

When hovering over the button (and the current user follows the individual), I desire a transition in the button's text: from "following" to "unfollow" with red text color, as well as an alteration in the icon from iconA to iconB.

I managed to adjust the text color by applying CSS to span:

<span className={textCss}>following</span>

const textCss = style({

However, I am unsure of how to modify both the text and the icon simultaneously.

Answer №1

One possible approach is:

import * as customStyles from './custom-styles.css'
<Button className={customStyles.button}>
 <svg width="16" height="18">
  <use xlinkHref={isFollowing ? 'path/to/iconA' : 'path/to/iconAB'}></use>
<span className={customStyles.buttonText}>{isFollowing ? 'unfollow' : 'follow'}</span>

To style the button and text using vanilla extract, you can do:

export const button = style({})
export const buttonText = style({
    selectors: {
        `${button}:hover &`: { 
             color: 'red'

You can refer to Vanilla extract's thorough documentation here.

Answer №2

One way I resolved the problem was by introducing a new state variable called 'isHover'.

const [isHover, setIsHover] = useState(false);

<Button onMouseEnter={() => setIsHover(true)}
        onMouseLeave={() => setIsHover(false)}>
 <svg width="16" height="18">
  <use xlinkHref={ !isSelected && isHover? path/to/imageB: path/to/imageA }> 
 {!isSelected ? <span>select</span> : <span>selected</span>}

Answer №3

Should you find yourself in need of altering the hue of an icon that already exists, a quick fix is to update the SVG file by replacing all instances of fill="curentColor" throughout the document. After making this adjustment, you can apply the following CSS code: svg:hover { fill: red; }, which will allow you to change the color upon hovering over the icon.

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