Is it possible to include text in my numbered list?

My itinerary consists of the following ordered list:

  1. place1
  2. place2
  3. place3

Since this is for a trip plan, I would like it to appear as follows:

Day 1: place1

Day 2: place2

Day 3: place3

I could manually type it out as plain text, but I am looking for a way to present it as a formatted list. Is this doable?

Answer №1

ol {
  padding-left: 50px;
ol li:before {

This is an example of CSS styling for ordered lists with custom numbering.

Answer №2

If you want to achieve this without manually positioning the list items, you can reset the list style and utilize pseudo elements for styling:

  1. Begin by resetting the list style with list-style-type:none and padding:0

  2. Next, use a counter to generate the desired list numbering

Check out the demo below:

ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0;
  counter-reset: list;
ul li:before {
  content: 'Day ' counter(list) ' : ';
  counter-increment: list;

Answer №3

To accomplish this task, one can create an unordered list and set the list-style of the ul to none in css. Next, utilize the css before pseudo-element for each li element using selectors like li:nth-of-type(1) with content "Day 1:" and li:nth-of-type(2) with content "Day 2:", then adjust their positioning accordingly.

Answer №4

const activities = {}

//insert into the activities list
activities.Day1 = 'Exploring new places';
activities.Day2 = 'Relaxing by the beach';
//continue adding more activities

//display the list of activities

//assign a tag and data to it
function insertIntoHTML(tag, content) {
   var element = document.getElementById(tag);

// add activity for Day 1
insertIntoHTML('day1', activities.Day1)

No specific language mentioned so assuming javascript. Now in html:

<!-- using <li></li> will add bullet points -->
<ul id="day1"></ul>

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