Is it possible to have scrollbars on opposite sides of a div?

My table has a multitude of columns, prompting me to enclose it within a div with overflow:auto to facilitate horizontal scrolling. Currently, the scrollbar is situated at the bottom of the div. Is it possible to have two scrollbars present, one at the top and one at the bottom of the div? If so, what is the process for accomplishing this?

Answer №1

For the solution to your issue, please visit the following link: horizontal scrollbar on top and bottom of table

Here is a live example to demonstrate the concept:

Below is the code snippet for your reference:


    <div class="wrapper1">
      <div class="div1"></div>
    <div class="wrapper2">
      <div class="div2">
        <!-- Your Content Here -->


    .wrapper1, .wrapper2 {
      width: 300px;
      overflow-x: scroll;
      overflow-y: hidden;

    .wrapper1 {height: 20px; }
    .wrapper2 {height: 200px; }

    .div1 {
      height: 20px;

    .div2 {
      height: 200px;
      background-color: #88FF88;
      overflow: auto;



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