Is it possible to display a thumbnail image in a separate full-sized window by using CSS or JavaScript?

I am currently utilizing a program called WebWorks 2020.1 that automatically creates <img> tags from my FrameMaker source input when published to DHTML. Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to directly modify the HTML <img> or <a> tags; rather, I can only make changes to the HTML page ASP template and CSS classes within an associated stylesheet. Below is the output generated for an image with surrounding code:

<div class="picture">
   <a name="628774">
      <img class="Anchored_Frame" src="images/CreateWarehouse_thumb_7.png" style="display: inline; left: 0.0pt; max-height: 51px; max-width: 400px; top: 0.0pt" alt="" title="" usemap="#uGbGKlB3y6o_625462" width="100%" border="0">
         <map name="uGbGKlB3y6o_625462"><area coords="0,0,400,51" shape="rect" href="images/CreateWarehouse_7.html" alt="" title=""></map>

The DHTML result will be incorporated into a web application that launches context-sensitive help in a pane measuring 450 pixels wide on the displayed product page. Images are presented as 400-pixel thumbnails in the DHTML pages, as illustrated in the provided code snippet.

While I have managed to implement functionality where clicking on the image opens it, the image loads within the same browser window (the help pane) limited to 450 pixels, therefore restricting its full display. The images respond by enlarging as the browser window size increases, but this isn't feasible within the confined 450-pixel pane. My goal is to have the image open in a new, full-sized browser tab or window following user interaction.

I possess the capability of introducing a JavaScript script into the page template and adjusting a CSS style like img.Anchored_Frame. My query pertains to whether there exists a method to launch a thumbnail image in a larger browser tab or window solely using CSS or JavaScript, considering my inability to directly edit <a> or <img> tags. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated by someone who is relatively new to this field.

Answer №1

Assuming the structure remains consistent with what was presented in your inquiry for every image:

<div class="picture">
  <a name="">

This solution should suffice:

var images = document.getElementsByClassName('picture')

for(var i = 0 ; i < images.length; i++){ 
images[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[3].setAttribute("target", "_blank");

The goal is to include target="_blank" within the <map> element.

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