Is it possible to display a subtle grey suggestion within an HTML input field using only CSS?

Have you ever noticed those text input boxes on websites where a grey label is displayed inside the box, but disappears once you start typing? This page has one too: the "Title" field works the same way.

Now, let's address some questions:

  1. Is there a specific term for this design feature? I've had trouble finding information about it online

  2. Can this be achieved using only CSS?

  3. If not, is it possible to accomplish with JavaScript embedded directly within the tag without needing to include code in the HTML header?

Answer №1

The "placeholder" attribute has gained widespread support among all major browsers.

<input type="text" placeholder="example text">

However, styling the placeholder still requires the use of vendor prefixes:

input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
    color: #59e;
input:-moz-placeholder {  
    color: #59e;  

Visual demonstration can be found here:

Answer №2

Is there a way to achieve this using CSS? It seems not, but by examining the page source code of SO, it appears they are implementing it in the following manner:

<input name="q" class="textbox" tabindex="1" 
       onfocus="if (this.value=='search') this.value = ''" 
       type="text" maxlength="80" size="28" value="search">

The line that begins with "onfocus" is where the magic happens. Upon focusing on the text field, it checks if the default value ("search") is present. If it is, the value is set to an empty string. Otherwise, the text remains unchanged.

One minor drawback of this method is that if a user tries to search for the word "search", then clicks out of the input box and clicks back in, the text will be reset. While not a major issue, it's something to consider when implementing similar functionality.

Answer №3

The common term for this is watermark input.

If you want to learn more about JQuery, make sure to visit the following website:

Answer №4

To achieve this effect using only HTML and CSS, you can experiment with the latest HTML5 placeholder input attribute. However, since this attribute lacks wide support, consider using a tool like Modernizr to check browser compatibility before implementing it.

Avoid resorting to inline Javascript as it contradicts best practices of separating content from behavior. Instead, jQuery provides a cleaner solution such as the following:

var input = $('input[name="search"]');
var placeHolder = input.attr('placeholder');


    this.value = '';
    if(this.value === '') this.value = placeHolder;

Answer №5

Newer browsers have a convenient HTML feature.

You can simply utilize the "placeholder" attribute:

< input id="inputbox" type="text" placeholder="Enter Hint Text Here" >

Answer №6

  1. I prefer to refer to them as input labels, although I'm not sure if that's the standard term.
  2. Unfortunately, it's not possible because inputs don't allow child elements.

input {
    position: relative;

input label {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

input:focus label {
    display: none;

Having children of inputs is not supported, so this method won't be effective.

  1. You can achieve a similar effect with jQuery (as shown in the link above), but it's also doable without it.

Answer №7

Chances are you may have already discovered the solution you were seeking, but for those who haven't, this could be beneficial

    function inputFocus(i){
        if(i.value==i.defaultValue){ i.value="";"#000"; }
    function inputBlur(i){
        if(i.value==""){ i.value=i.defaultValue;"#888"; }


<input type ="text"onfocus="inputFocus(this)" onblur="inputBlur(this)" value="Some Text"/>

I trust this information proves to be useful

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