Is it possible to determine the number of pixels scrolled from the current position on the page, rather than just from the top

I am looking to implement a standard UX feature that involves changing an element on scroll. Currently, I have this jQuery code in place:

$(document).scroll(function() {    
    var scroll = $(document).scrollTop();
    if (scroll >= 50) {

While this code works well and changes the classes after scrolling 50px from the top of the document, I am wondering if it is possible to achieve the same effect after scrolling 50px from anywhere on the page?

The reasoning behind this design choice is that I have a position:fixed search bar that appears when a click function opens it, and then I want it to disappear upon scrolling. However, I don't want it to vanish after just one or two accidental scrolls as it's easy to do so unintentionally. Ideally, I'd like it to only be removed after a significant scroll of around 50 pixels.

I hope this explanation makes sense! Any insights on how to achieve this would be much appreciated...


Answer №1

After triggering a click event, you can save the current scroll position and compare it to the new scroll position when scrolling.

var oldScrollposition = 0;
  oldScrollposition =  $(document).scrollTop();

$(document).scroll(function() {    
    var scroll = $(document).scrollTop();
    if(scroll < oldScrollposition )
      scroll = oldScrollposition -scroll; // If scrolling down
      scroll = scroll - oldScrollposition; // If scrolling up

    if (scroll >= 50) {

Remember to adjust the click control ID to fit your needs.

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