Is it possible to customize the CSS styles of a jQuery UI modal dialog box?

Having trouble with my CSS styles not applying to a dialog modal added to my website using jQuery UI, even when using '!important'. I suspect that the predefined jQuery or UI CSS styles from a CDN link are preventing me from overriding them. The issue arises because the pop-up modal clashes with the site's CSS style. My goal is to give the modal a white background and blur the rest of the site until the user clicks outside the modal or closes it using the 'X' icon.

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            <h1>Hebrews 13:3</h1> 
            <h2>Prison Ministry</h2>
            <p>"Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. <br>Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies." <br><br>- Hebrews 13:3 NLT -</p>
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    <h1>About the Ministry</h1>
    <p>The Book of Hebrews in chapter 13 verse 3 speaks of remembering those in prison as if you were there yourself.<br> The founder of this ministry was in prison. That is where he found Christ, and that is where he saw the desparate need for Christ in the lives of those in captivity.<br> Captivity is a double edged sword, since it is possible to be a captive to no fault of your own, or to make yourself a captive. The thing is that- whether innocent or guilty- ALL people need Christ.<br><br> It is easy to to think of God as a mere crutch that get us through difficult times. It is easy for us, when things are going relativley well, to forget the need for a Source of Power.<br>  </p>
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Understandably, I'm trying to address two specific issues:

1.) How to override the CSS styles for the Modal Pop-up considering the likelihood of pre-set styles from the jQuery or jQuery UI CDNs.

2.) How to implement a visual effect that blurs the remainder of the site while the Modal is active.

Answer №1

I tested your code on my system and confirmed that the CSS is being applied to the modal.

Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

If not, here's the exact code snippet you need:

// Quick & dirty toggle to demonstrate modal toggle behavior
$('.modal-toggle').on('click', function(e) {

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