Is it possible to customize the color of an SVG image within Next.js using next/image?

import Image from 'next/image'


<Image src="/emotion.svg" alt="emtion" width={50} height={50} />

I am trying to change the color of the SVG using next/image.

However, applying the following CSS rule does not seem to work:

img {

Can anyone provide a solution for this issue?

Answer №1

Instead of using SVG files directly, I suggest utilizing Playground SVG (). By converting the file to JS, you gain the ability to easily customize aspects such as color and other properties through props.

Answer №2

Instead of using the Image component in Next.js, consider alternative solutions for optimizing SVGs. The default Image component does not provide optimization for SVG files, so here are a few options:

  1. Extend your webpack configuration in the next.config.js file using @svgr/webpack:
// next.config.js

webpack(config) {
    test: /\.svg$/,
    use: ["@svgr/webpack"]

  return config;
// Import the SVG file where needed
import YourSvg from './public/yourSvg.svg'

// Use the 'currentColor' property on your SVG for color customization
<YourSvg color="red" />

  1. Alternatively, you can utilize the babel-plugin-inline-react-svg:

Answer №3

<Link href={"/setting"} className="h-fit w-fit">
    <Image className="dark:invert"
        src={"/setting.svg"} alt={"setting.svg"} width={80} height={80} />

Simply utilize the invert feature in tailwind css.

Edit: This will only invert the color, which is beneficial for dark mode implementation in my scenario.

Answer №5

Stop using SVG files directly and opt for converting them into React components to simplify the process. This method eliminates the need for intricate setups.

Conversion Steps:

  1. Visit to convert your SVG file into a React component seamlessly.
  2. In the JSX code of the SVG, ensure all fill attributes are set to "currentColor" to allow color changes via React props.


  • Have control over SVG properties like color, height, and width by adjusting props directly.
  • No additional configurations such as Webpack or Babel needed, leading to a more streamlined setup.

Illustration with Tailwind:

<SVGIcon className="w-4 h-4 text-white" />

By adhering to these guidelines, you'll achieve a simpler and adaptable way to handle SVGs within your Next.js project efficiently.

Credit: The insights shared in this message derive from Andres Campuzano Garzon's valuable contribution.

Answer №6

Implement the filter attribute within the style property of the component.

import Image from 'next/image'

<Image src="/emotion.svg" alt="emtion" style={{ filter: 'invert(100%)' }} width={50} height={50} />

To give the SVG icon a blue color using the invert filter, adjust the filter settings accordingly. In this scenario, flipping the colors will change black areas to white and white areas to black. To achieve a blue hue, you must undergo another color inversion process.

<Image src="/emotion.svg" alt="emtion" style={{ filter: 'invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(10000%) hue-rotate(180deg)' }} width={50} height={50} />

You have the option to tweak the sepia, saturate, and hue-rotate values to customize the blue shade as desired. For instance, lowering the saturate value can soften the color intensity, while adjusting the hue-rotate value can shift the blue tone.

Answer №7

Upon discovering a practical solution, I decided to modify the svg by adjusting the color settings. When inspecting the svg in vscode, all its configurations become visible.

This specific svg has been altered to display a pink color scheme:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
 width="128.000000pt" height="128.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 128.000000 128.000000"
 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">

<g transform="translate(0.000000,128.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#FF69B4" stroke="none">
<path d="M647 1233 c-13 -15 -17 -38 -17 -102 l0 -83 -84 -97 c-47 -53 -109
-123 -140 -156 l-55 -60 -1 58 0 57 -175 0 -175 0 0 -400 0 -400 175 0 175 0
0 31 c0 23 4 30 14 26 8 -3 57 -20 108 -38 l93 -33 265 -3 c300 -5 316 -2 354
72 17 33 18 43 8 81 -10 39 -9 48 8 76 22 36 26 98 9 129 -8 16 -5 26 15 50
28 33 35 93 16 129 -8 15 -4 27 15 56 30 44 32 88 5 131 -34 56 -61 63 -235
63 -106 0 -155 3 -155 11 0 6 7 36 16 66 25 85 17 198 -18 251 -52 78 -182
128 -221 85z m113 -85 c42 -29 70 -82 70 -133 0 -22 -13 -87 -30 -145 -16 -58
-30 -108 -30 -112 0 -5 87 -8 193 -8 158 0 197 -3 215 -16 40 -28 26 -80 -24
-90 -30 -6 -34 -10 -34 -39 0 -24 6 -34 24 -43 50 -22 41 -85 -14 -97 -25 -6
-30 -11 -30 -37 0 -20 8 -37 25 -50 27 -21 33 -59 12 -76 -6 -6 -24 -13 -40
-17 -23 -6 -27 -13 -27 -40 0 -25 5 -35 20 -40 24 -7 37 -51 23 -74 -9 -14
-44 -16 -279 -16 l-269 0 -107 39 -108 38 0 215 0 216 88 95 c262 286 262 285
262 379 0 82 6 87 60 51z m-480 -698 l0 -320 -100 0 -100 0 0 320 0 320 100 0
100 0 0 -320z"/>

In order to change the color, focus on the "fill" attribute:

<g transform="translate(0.000000,128.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#FF69B4" stroke="none">

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