Is it possible to create a touch menu on an iPhone by utilizing basic markup and implementing the :hover-state feature?

After finally launching my WordPress blog, I spent a significant amount of time developing the theme. When I attempted to view the site on my iPhone for the first time, I was surprised by what I saw. Initially, I thought creating a touch menu would be as simple as writing some basic HTML and styling it with :hover-state. However, that was not the case.

If you change your browser to a mobile user agent and visit this site (resize the window to around 640px wide), you'll notice my light blue widget bar. Hovering over the icons toggles the inner containers with the main widget contents perfectly.

Unfortunately, when I accessed the site on my iPhone, the bar with the icons appeared but was unresponsive to touch. Frustrating! What could be wrong with my code? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

After conducting some research on hover functionality in iOS, I stumbled upon a helpful resource that could potentially solve your issue or aid you in the future. You can check it out here: .

It seems that adding the rule -webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out; (and possibly others) may prevent hovering in iOS unless you include display:none/display:block or display:table/display:block. Furthermore, I discovered that without the hover code, clicking on a destination link in the href immediately redirects you. With the code implemented, you first need to click for a hover event before clicking again to follow the link. So if you're experiencing issues with hover on an iOS device, this solution could be what you need.

Answer №2

After attempting to implement a certain functionality in my code, I realized that it wasn't working as expected when I posted the question (unfortunately, the link is no longer available). Here's what my markup looked like:

<li class="widget-container">
    <p class="widget-title">Categories</p>
    <div class="widget-content">

The CSS styling was as follows:

.widget-content                         {display:none}
.widget-container:hover .widget-content {display:block}

I wanted to keep my code simple, but encountered an issue: on touch devices, the touch-action consistently targets the element with the highest z-index, which in this case is the .widget-title. This means that the wrapping .widget-container cannot be touched, preventing the triggering of its :hover state.

This realization led me to understand that for a touch-screen-optimized website, JavaScript is necessary for proper functionality. As a result, I have now implemented a jQuery accordion solution.

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