"Is it possible to create a single-page website with a unique logo for each div

Is it possible to have a unique logo on each section of my single-page website? Each section has its own div. Check out my website at . Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

That website looks really good. I'm not sure why changing the logo would be difficult for you.

One way to do it simply is as follows:

<li class=""><a onclick="changeLogo();" href="#team">Team</a></li>
<script type="javascript/text">
  function changeLogo(){
   var logoImg = document.getElementById("logo").children[0];
   logoImg.src = "newsource.jpg";

It might be a good idea to preload the different logos to ensure a seamless transition.

Answer №2

Have you considered adding an event to your navigation? For example, when a user clicks on a nav item, it can change your current logo...

Here is a sample code snippet:

$('#nav li').click(function(){
   var selected = $('a', this).attr('href'); // This will return the current item # such as #team, #activities...
   // Change your logo based on the selected item
   $('#logo img').attr('src', 'your url');

Answer №3

There are multiple ways to achieve this functionality using JavaScript. One approach is to adjust the background position of a sprite image upon a click event using jQuery, or you could completely change the image URL. You could also consider adding individual logos to each of your beautifully animated backgrounds, as long as you are okay with making the logos specific to each page.


Answer №4

If you want to determine which divs are currently in view, you can do so by using a simple jQuery function.

Identifying visible divs while scrolling\

Once you have identified the visible divs, you can then dynamically change the image in your logo div based on this information.

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