Is it possible to change the background as I move the sun across the screen?

Recently, I developed a page that allows users to drag an image of the sun in an arc. The sun transitions from a bright sun to a darker version and eventually into a moon as it moves along the arc. Now, my goal is to have the background image also transition seamlessly.

I am seeking advice on how to smoothly fade the current sky background image into a tiled night sky image (similar to the one provided below) when the sun reaches the halfway point of its arc.

To visualize what I'm describing, you can check out the interactive demonstration at .

var width = 300,
  sun = $("#sun"),
  dark = $("#dark_sun"),
  moon = $("#moon"),
  total = $(window).width()
firstOfThree = (total / 3) * 0,
  secondOfThree = (total / 3) * 1,
  thirdOfThree = (total / 3) * 2;

// Drag functionality

// CSS styling for elements
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

<img id="moon" src="">
<img id="dark_sun" src="">
<img id="sun" src="">

Answer №1

Implement fixed layers with opacity transition.

The getOpacity function receives two parameters, Z (percentage) and the index of the div, using them (along with the element count) to compute opacity while ensuring each .bg is fully displayed at some point during dragging. The function determines and returns the values through the cosine operation.

opacity = A*Math.cos(P*0 + Z*Math.PI - (index*Math.PI)/L) + V

I have generated a visual representation here on and included a code snippet to simplify understanding of its functionality.


    var bg = $(".bg"),
        drag = $(".drag"),
        sun = $("#sun"),
        csel = '#container'; // container selector


    // hoistorzs

    function _init(){
            axis: "x",
            containment: csel,
    function getOpacity(Z,index){
        Z = 1 - Math.min(Math.max(0,Z),1); // ensure 0 < x < 1
        var len = bg.length;
        var A = 1,
            P = 1,
            V = -A + 1,
            x = 0, // we require y at x=zero
            L = len - 1, // resolves fencepost error calculating arc indices
            opacity = A*Math.cos(P*0 + Z*Math.PI - (index*Math.PI)/L) + V; // ranges from 0 to 1;
        return opacity;

    function onDrag(){
        var len = bg.length,
            total = $(csel).width(),
            x = sun.offset().left + (min),
            p = (x-min)/(max-min),
            w = sun.width(),
            heightPct = Math.pow((total >> 1) - x, 2) / Math.pow(total >> 1, 2),
            rounded = Math.round(heightPct * 30) + "%";

            var op = getOpacity(p,i);
            var op = getOpacity(p,i);
                opacity:op > .5 ? 1 : 0,
                left: sun.css("left"),
                top: sun.css("top"),
                marginTop: rounded
img.drag {
  position: absolute;
  transition:opacity 1s;
} {
  background-repeat: repeat;
  animation: mymove 40s linear infinite;
@keyframes mymove {
  from { background-position: 0 0; }
  to { background-position: 300px 0; }
<div id="container">
  <!-- NIGHT -->
  <div class="bg" id="night" style="background-image:url(;"></div>
  <img class="drag" id="moon" src="">

  <!-- EVENING -->
  <div class="bg" id="evening" style="background-image:url("></div>
  <img class="drag" id="dark_sun" src="">
  <!-- DAY -->
  <div class="bg" id="day" style="background-image:url("></div>
  <img class="drag" id="sun" src="">  


<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

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