Is it possible to apply a styling to a table data cell based on the table header relationship

Let's say I have a table header with content like this...

  <div class="text-left field-sorting " rel="local_inventory"> Local inventory </div>
  <div class="text-left field-sorting " rel="something else1"> Something Else1 </div>
  <div class="text-left field-sorting " rel="something else2"> Something Else2 </div>

and now I am looking to style the corresponding table data cells...


in a way that applies a certain style only if the cell is not empty and its value is greater than 0. I am thinking of using jQuery to add CSS dynamically. If this is not possible, I might need to modify the PHP script that generates this data table. Since I can access the table header elements, my question is how to leverage that to target the related table data cells in the same column, even if they don't have any unique identifiers.

Answer №1

Are you considering using the .filter function in this scenario?

  var content = $.trim($(this).text());
  return content.length && +content > 0;

Feel free to check out this brief demonstration:

After further clarification, how about this approach?

$('td, th').addClass(function(index){
 return 'col-' + ( $(this).index() + 1 );

Here's a demo for reference:

Answer №2

To style the td elements, you can utilize the nth-child selector. This will allow you to target all the td elements that correspond to the th element in the same column.

If you need to create a selector based on the th condition using CSS alone, it may not be possible. In such cases, utilizing jQuery or adding a specific class may be a better solution.

tr td:nth-child(2) { // Styles the 2nd td within each tr
    // Your styles here

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