Is it possible to adjust the cropping of an iframe from all four sides?

I am attempting to display a specific portion of a page within an iframe. I have come across this solution:

<iframe src="" height="500" width="900" style="position: relative; left: -10%; top: -15%"></iframe>

While this code crops the unwanted parts from the left and top, I am also looking to crop the bottom and right sections of the page. How can I achieve cropping all four sides of the page?

Answer №1

Implement a cross-browser compatible solution using a container, flexbox, and absolute positioning. Here's an example:


<div id="iframe-container">
 <iframe></iframe><!-- Paste your iframe here -->


#iframe-container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

#iframe-container iframe {
  position: absolute;
  width: 120%;
  height: auto;

You can adjust the width and height values in your CSS to customize the cropping as needed. One value should be a percentage, while the other should be set to auto to maintain the aspect ratio.

In addition, you can fine-tune the positioning of the iframe by utilizing the top, left, bottom, and right properties on the #iframe-container iframe element. Negative values will move the iframe outside the container borders, while positive values will move it inside towards the respective border.

Using these techniques, you have flexibility in placing your iframe precisely and controlling the cropping to suit your requirements.

Answer №2

While it is impossible to completely prevent all the iframe contents from being displayed (as proper cropping is not achievable), you can prevent the user from viewing it all (unless they use developer tools) by implementing a clip-path on the iframe.

For instance:

iframe {
  clip-path: polygon(30% 30%, 70% 30%, 70% 70%, 30% 70%);

This will only display the central 40% by 40% section of the iframe.

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