Is it possible in Javascript to trace the origins of a particular element's property inheritance for debugging purposes?

I'm currently dealing with an issue where the computed style font-size of a particular element is "16px". I've been attempting to pinpoint where in the CSS or JavaScript this font size setting is coming from, specifically within one of its parent elements like a table cell ("td"). My initial approach involved using some code in the console to target the parent element:

var td = document.querySelectorAll("td")[0];
var parent = td.parentNode;
while (td.tagName != "BODY") { 
  td = parent; 
  parent = parent.parentNode; } 

Unfortunately, this method didn't yield the desired results. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to properly accomplish this task? Thank you so much!

Answer №1

When it comes to CSS, understanding and accessing styles is quite straightforward and can usually be found next to Computed Styles.

For example, Chrome will automatically generate the necessary code for you - check it out here.

To view and manipulate the styles of a specific element, simply right click on it and choose "Inspect Element".

In the styles tab on the right side of the screen, you will see the current properties applied to that element. Scroll down to find sections labeled as 'Inherited from', followed by a reference to a class, id, or group of elements.

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