Is it necessary to convert an HTMLCollection or a Nodelist into an Array in order to create an array of nodes?

Here we go again with the beginner guy. I'm working on this exercise from a book called "Eloquent JavaScript". The goal is to create a function similar to "getElementByTagName". However, the first function below is not returning anything and the second one is struggling to pass through the "if" statement after the "while" loop.


function findTags(node, tagName) {

    let tagArray = [];
    let childrenNode = node.childNodes;

    if(childrenNode.length != 0) {
        for(let i = 0; i < childrenNode.length; i++) {
            let currentNode = childrenNode[i];
            if(currentNode == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && currentNode.nodeName == tagName.toUpperCase()) {
            let child = findTags(currentNode, tagName )
            if(child) {
    return tagArray;

function findTags(node, tagName) {

    let tagArray = [];
    let currentNode = node.firstElementChild;

    while(currentNode != null) {
        if(currentNode.tagName == tagName.toUpperCase()) {
        let descendant = findTags(currentNode, tagName );
        if(descendant) {
        let currentNode = currentNode.nextElementSibling;
    return tagArray;

Answer №1

You overlooked a crucial detail in your logic. Instead of comparing the node with the expected node type, you need to check the type of the node itself:

currentNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE

In addition, the following code snippet doesn't serve any purpose:


The concat() function creates a new array instead of modifying the existing one. To add items to tagArrays, you should consider using one of the following approaches:

tagArrays = tagArrays.concat(child);




tagArrays.splice(tagArrays.length - 1, 0, child);

Answer №2

Currently, you are comparing the currentNode (a Node) to Node.ELEMENT_NODE (a number), resulting in it always evaluating to false. To correct this, ensure to include the nodeType property when referencing the currentNode within the initial if statement inside the for loop:

function tagSearch (node, name) {

    let tagArray = [];
    let childNodes = node.childNodes;

    if(childNodes.length != 0) {
        for(let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
            let currentNode = childNodes[i];
            if(currentNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && currentNode.nodeName == name.toUpperCase()) {
            let child = tagSearch(currentNode, name )
            if(child) {
    return tagArray;

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