I'm currently facing a minor issue in my code. I am attempting to create two divs: one with a width of 25% and positioned at the left 25%, and another div next to it with a width of 25% and padding-right of 25%. The goal is for both divs to occupy the entire width. However, the padding seems to be ignored and one of the four divs below is occupying that space. The layout in the fiddle provided is not displaying as expected. Instead of having two divs on one line and four divs below them, all four divs are stacked on top of each other. My main concern is that the padding is not being considered and is causing this issue. You can view the fiddle here.
To visualize, this is the desired layout that I'm aiming for.
However, reality paints a different picture as seen here.
Consider the above as the representation of the div layout.