Is it just me or does this radio button in IE11 look like a pair of googly eyes?

Recently, I noticed a strange issue on a website I'm working on with radio buttons. While everything looks fine in most browsers, in IE11 some of the radio buttons appear like googly eyes. Could this be a bug specific to IE11 or am I missing something?

Edit: Real website screenshot below:

For an example, please visit this link and try it in IE11 to see the effect:

Zoomed screen shot from my browser (IE11 on Windows 7) shows varying spacing between center discs and outer circles. HTML and CSS are valid, leading me to speculate if it's a rounding error in IE rendering.

Update: Raised the issue with Microsoft Connect () and received a response attributing it to an optical illusion. Doubting this explanation, I provided additional examples. The prevailing belief is that it's an IE bug, awaiting confirmation.

Update re Edge browser in Windows 10:

Observed the same issue persists in Microsoft's latest browser, Edge, despite its release with Windows 10:

No update on the Microsoft Connect issues, implying we're stuck with googly-eyed radio buttons for now.

Update: Microsoft Connect Issue closed as "Won't Fix"

Opened a new issue on in hopes of a future resolution.

Update: Microsoft have announced the issue is fixed!

Yet to test this on a new build of Windows 10, but will do so soon.

Answer №1

The information provided on Microsoft Connect was not directly from Microsoft. We are aware of the issue and actively monitoring it. This issue may be related to our sub-pixel positioning logic, but we are investigating further. Updates regarding this matter will be available on Connect soon.

Answer №2

@TheGermanOne - I completely concur that this appears to be a bug. I am encountering the same issue as displayed below on both IE 11 and Chrome. The zoomed-in view on IE is somewhat tolerable, but at 100% it looks pretty terrible :(

This observation was made in reference to your jsfiddle.



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