Is it feasible in Angular2 to add CSS to a component using a service?

I have a component named A containing 5 images. Out of the 5, only one image is in color and clickable, while the remaining 4 are greyed out using the CSS class below:

  -webkit-filter: grayscale(85%);

The greyscale images are not clickable.

When I click on the first image, it transitions to another component called B (component A disappears, as it is a separate component) where I perform certain actions. After that, by clicking a button, I return back to component A. Everything remains unchanged, but I want to remove or modify the not_opened class from the second image to make it colored and clickable. Then, upon clicking the second image, I move to a third component called C, and so on for the subsequent images...

Is there a way to achieve this without creating multiple different components each with their own CSS stylesheets? Maybe through a service? Can you suggest any solution?

Answer №1

To improve your project, I recommend incorporating a view-model concept. A view-model contains data on how to display a specific model. For this scenario, consider passing something like Array<ImageViewModel> between components A and B. You can transmit this data through a service if it fits your requirements, or utilize a parent component, such as:

Template of the parent component:

<component-a [images]="images" *ngIf="active === 'a'" (onImageSelected)="handleImageSelected($event)"></component-a>
<component-b [images]="images" *ngIf="active === 'b'" (onSettingsEditCompleted)="handleSettingsEditCompleted()"></component-b>

Code of the parent component:

.... {
    images: Array<ImageViewModel> = [];
    active: string = "a";

    constructor(private _service: ImageService) {
        // Assume that the service returns an array of image URLs.
        this._service.fetchImages().subscribe((urls) => {
            this.images = => ({src: url, disabled: true}));
            if (this.images.length > 0) {
                this.images[0].disabled = false;  

    handleImageSelected(image: ImageViewModel) { = "b";
        console.log("Image selected", image); 

    handleSettingsEditCompleted() { = "a";

Define ImageViewModel as follows:

interface ImageViewModel {
    src: string;
    disabled: boolean;

In componentA, employ the [ngClass] directive to modify image availability.

Template of ComponentA:

<img *ngFor="let image of images" [src]="image.src" [ngClass]="{'not-opened': image.disabled}" (click)='!image.disabled && handleImageSelected(image)'/>

Styles for ComponentA:

.not-opened {
    filter: grayscale(85%); // Consider using non-WebKit version as well. 
    -webkit-filter: grayscale(85%);

Code for ComponentA:

... {
   onImageSelected = new EventEmitter<ImageViewModel>();
   images: Array<ImageViewModel> = [];   

   handleImageSelected(image: ImageViewModel) {
       this.images[1].disabled = false;

If anything is unclear, refer to the Angular documentation to understand @Input and @Output annotations.

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