Is it considered a best practice in React to modify styles of elements using the className state?

I have a unique component that can showcase either an error message or a success message. These are the only two possible "states" it can be in, so the styling is limited to either of these options: for success:

background-color: green;

for error:

background-color: red;

Would it be considered a best practice to have a state for the component that changes the "className" property to either info__success or info__error, with the corresponding styling defined in a CSS file like this:


const errorClassName = "info__error";
const successClassName = "info__success";

const [ classState, setClassState ] = useState(errorClassName);

return (
  <div className={classState}>Message</div>


.info__error {
  background-color: red;

.info__success {
  background-color: green;

I am aware that I could use a simple list as a state like below, but it can get messy especially when there are multiple CSS styles to update.

const [ error, setError ] = useState(true);

const style = {
  background-color: error ? "red" : "green",

return (
  <div style={style}>Message</div>

Is there a cleaner and more practical way to achieve this without cluttering the code? I am not a fan of adding CSS directly into my JSX files, and I am not a big fan of tailwind either.

Answer №1

The second option you've presented is indeed a step in the right direction compared to the first. However, there is a third approach that aligns better with common production code practices and may be more suitable for your needs. I suggest utilizing state to monitor the presence of errors, similar to your second example. Then, leverage the error state to determine the appropriate class, similar to your first example.

const [hasError, setHasError] = useState(false);

return (
  <div className={hasError ? 'info__error' : 'info__success'}>Message</div>

In my view, directly modifying styles is acceptable if you're not using a utility framework such as TailwindCSS. It may not be problematic initially, but could become cumbersome as styles become more complex (with multiple properties). I would advise against storing the class string directly in state.

The class name is essentially a byproduct of what you're truly monitoring: the error state. By managing the error state directly, you can easily incorporate additional functionalities, particularly for accessibility purposes (a color change is irrelevant to someone who is visually impaired). This could involve displaying a hidden error message by default and/or handling focus management.

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