Is CSS unit pt recommended for styling UI elements?

Currently developing UI controls and deliberating whether to utilize pt for dimensions like widths, heights, border sizes, margins, paddings, and font sizes. Preference is for resizable controls that maintain consistency across various screens and projectors.

Any additional considerations recommended for designing scalable user interfaces? Current approach includes non-raster graphics (colors and SVG).

Answer №1

Sorry, but pts have a set size. For scalability, consider using ems and/or exs (or perhaps %s).

Answer №2

For those seeking scalability, opting for measurements in units such as pixels is more advisable than using pt, which equates to 1/72nd of an inch (assuming the computer's DPI settings are accurately configured).

What may appear reasonable at 72pt (1 inch) on a screen directly in front of you may not translate well when projected onto a screen 10 feet away and still measuring 1 inch in height.

Answer №3

Absolutely, you have the option to use pt or em units for sizing. The conversion is 12pt = 1em. When adjusting font sizes in your browser, these are the units that change along with the text. Elements designated with pt or em will scale proportionally with the font size (as far as I understand).

Although most modern browsers (including the latest FireFox and IE) tend to zoom the entire page rather than just the font size, there is still a feature available to zoom fonts only. In this scenario, the choice between px and pt doesn't make much of a difference.

Answer №4

It has been noted that 1 point equals 1/72 of an inch. The screen I am currently using measures 1200 pixels in height on a 20cm frame. When projected, those same 1200 pixels span out to cover 3 metres.

The W3C CSS specification contains numerous measurements, although only a few are utilized correctly.

Your optimal choice is to utilize em's for layout purposes as they are closely tied to the font being used. Percentages can also be effective.

However, adjustments may need to be made in browser layouts by a small amount, particularly when dealing with buttons, dropdowns, and text boxes. This often involves setting something to position relative in order to slightly adjust its placement up, down, left, or right. Common instances of this occur when there are slight discrepancies between IE and Firefox.

Aiming for uniformity in form rendering across all screens and projectors is quite ambitious, suggesting that different browsers will display content identically.

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