I have been struggling with a persistent issue and have attempted numerous solutions to resolve it, but the problem persists. When using the web app on Google browser with my phone, I encounter an issue where the footer overlaps with the keyboard. Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
<form [formGroup]="formGroupLogin" (ngSubmit)="signIn()">
<ion-col size-sm="6" offset-sm="3" size-md="4" offset-md="4">
<ion-img src="../../assets/rinaldi-logoSVG.svg" style="height: 110px; margin-top: 60px"></ion-img>
<div style="display: grid; align-items: center; justify-content: center;">
<h3 id="title-login">Area Riservata</h3>
<ion-row style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
<ion-col size-md ="4">
<ion-label position="floating" style="font-family: Gilmer Medium">Email</ion-label>
<ion-input type="email" email formControlName="Username"></ion-input>
<span class="error ion-padding" *ngIf="isSubmitted && errorForm.Username.errors?.required">
Email field is required
<span class="error ion-padding" *ngIf="isSubmitted && errorForm.Username.errors?.email">
Invalid email format
<ion-label position="floating" style="font-family: Gilmer Medium">Password</ion-label>
<ion-input type="password" formControlName="Password"></ion-input>
<span class="error ion-padding" *ngIf="isSubmitted && errorForm.Password.errors?.required">
Password field is required
<div style="padding-top: 30px">
<ion-button expand="block" type ="submit" style="--border-radius: 20px; --background: #192437; font-family: Gilmer Medium" >Login</ion-button>
<div style="display: grid; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-align: center;">
<a routerLink="/recover-password" style="cursor: pointer; padding-top:10px; font-family: Gilmer Medium">Forgot your password?</a>
<p style="font-family: Gilmer Medium">Not registered yet?</p>
<a routerLink="/registration" style="cursor: pointer; font-family: Gilmer Medium">Register</a>
<!-- FOOTER -->
<ion-footer class="ion-no-border" style="display: grid; place-content: center;">
<ion-toolbar class="ion-text-center">
<ion-label class="ion-text-wrap" style="font-size: small; font-family: Gilmer Medium;">©2021 Rinaldi Superforni–All rights reserved–
VAT number 00523850451</ion-label>
After searching for 2 days for a solution without success, I am reaching out to see if anyone can offer assistance with this issue.