Invalid file location of original image

I'm experiencing an issue where I am unable to capture the input image from my device.

Instead, it keeps showing me a default image that I have set and provides a fake path for the input.

Can someone help me solve this problem and provide some suggestions?

Thank you!


const [Image, setImage] = useState('')

    const fetchImage = async (e) => {

        // console.log('e is ',e)
        try {
            const response = await import('./img/noprofil.jpg')

            console.log('res is ', response)
            console.log("image in response is " + response)
        catch (err) {

            console.log('error is ', err)
        } finally {


 <div className="col-3 ">
  <div className="container">
    <div className="img-holder">
      <img src={Image} className="rounded" alt="" />
    <input type="file" accept="image" name="image-upload" id="input" onChange={fetchImage} />
    <div className="label">
      <label className="image-upload" htmlFor="input"> Change </label>

Answer №1

In case you're unsure about how to incorporate local images in React, I've put together a generic example. Simply place the image in the public folder and access it directly within your app. To provide further clarity, I've created a straightforward codesandbox demonstration.

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