Internet Explorer struggles with rendering <a> tags as they lack substance, resulting in a broken CSS menu

During the process of building a website, I encountered an unusual issue with Internet Explorer and our CSS menu system. The top-tier a tag in the menu doesn't seem to have the same clickable area as Firefox and Chrome provide. This is because the a tag isn't directly adjacent to the sibling ul element. When hovering over the a tag, the ul appears but disappears when trying to move towards it because IE does not recognize that the mouse is still hovering over the li element containing the a tag.

You can see an example of this issue on the following page: Problem with IE and CSS menu

I am looking for a solution that will work in IE version 8 and above.

Answer №1

Make sure to set the :hover style for the main <LI> element instead of the <A> tag - as the submenu is separate from the link, it will disappear when moving the mouse away onto the submenu.

Update your CSS from

#menuh ul li a:hover


#menuh ul li:hover

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