Is there a way to delay the bootstrapping process of an Angular-CLI app in order to allow a loading animation to finish before rendering the actual content? Currently, when the root component is bootstrapped, any CSS animations are automatically removed from the view, causing a lack of control over the user experience as the "child content" is instantly stripped out of the DOM.
One solution could be to move the CSS animation content outside of the main element and programmatically remove it from the view after the animation completes.
I attempted to implement a similar approach outlined here, but it seems that this method no longer works with angular-cli generated apps. It does work with pre-angular-cli generated apps that use SystemJS directly, however.
As Angular-cli abstracts much of this process, I am unable to easily hook into the bootstrapping life-cycle using the same method. Does anyone have suggestions on how to achieve this for an angular-cli generated app?
Thank you!