Interactive state for associated product within list without order

I am currently working on a project that involves an unordered list with separate list items. The menu design includes product images in the top list item and the corresponding product names in the list item below. I have successfully implemented a hover state on the bottom list items (product names). However, I am now aiming to activate the same hover state when hovering over the top list items (product images) as well. For instance, when I hover over /images/foo.png, the link below in the separate list item should turn #ffffff. Below is a snippet of the code I am dealing with. Please note that this is just a miniature version of a much larger menu.

<li><a href="/products/">SPOUTS</a>
        <li class="menuheader"><a href="/products/spouts/index/">SPOUTS</a></li>
                <a href="/products/spouts/foo/"><img src="/images/foo.png" style="margin:20px 0px 0px 20px;float:left;" /></a>
                <a href="/products/spouts/bar/"><img src="/images/bar.png" style="margin:20px 20px 0px 5px;float:left;" /></a>
            <li style="margin-top:10px;">
                <a href="/products/spouts/foo/" style="float:left;margin-left:50px;">FOO</a> 
                <a href="/products/spouts/bar/" style="float:left;margin-left:60px;">BAR</a>

Answer №1

To implement this feature, consider using JavaScript with jQuery. Here is an example code snippet:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8>
     $(".IMAGE_CLASS").on('mouseenter', function() {

     $(".IMAGE_CLASS").on('mouseleave', function() {

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