Interactive CSS animation with a single click

I am in the process of developing a website and have incorporated CSS animations for dropdowns. However, I am looking to change it so that the dropdowns appear on click rather than hover in the submenu. I am struggling to make this adjustment with the current code. Please excuse the presence of PHP code as I directly copied it from the source. You can view the code I am working with here.

  $( "#horiz-menu ul li > ul" ).click(function()

Although my knowledge of jQuery is limited, this is what I have managed to come up with so far.

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this effect with jQuery, you can use the following code:


$( "#horiz-menu a" ).click(function(e){


#horiz-menu {
   opacity: 1;
   visibility: visible;
   margin: 0;

Here's an example on JSFiddle:

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

$( "#horizontal-menu ul li > ul" ).on("click", function(){
$( "#horizontal-menu li" ).toggle( "slow" );

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