Inspecting CSS values through Javascript is an important aspect of front

How can I create a JavaScript function that checks my CSS code and changes the background color to #29fd53 if it is currently #222327? Likewise, how do I make it switch back to #222327 if the current background color is #29fd53?

This is my JavaScript code:

function changeBgC(){
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(body)

var bodyBackgroundValue = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-color")
if (bodyBackgroundValue == "#222327") {
    document.querySelector('body').style.backgroundColor = "#29fd53"
  } else {
    document.querySelector('body').style.backgroundColor = "#222327"
    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    min-height: 100vh;
    background: #222327;
<div class="box">
<button onclick="changeBgC()" class="menuButton">≣</button>

I tried using i++ in my code (by adding an onclick event in my HTML) but it only changes the background color to #29fd53. Pressing the button again doesn't trigger any change.

Here's what I attempted:

function changeBgC(){
    var i = 0
    if (i % 2 === 0){
        document.querySelector('.body').style.backgroundColor = "#29fd53"
        document.querySelector('.body').style.backgroundColor = "#222327"

Answer №1

The issue is with how you've defined the i variable within the function scope. Each time changeBgC() is called, it resets i to 0.

To fix this, declare i outside the function so that its value persists between function calls.

let i = 0;
function changeBgC(){
    if (i % 2 === 0){
        document.querySelector('.body').style.backgroundColor = "#29fd53";
        document.querySelector('.body').style.backgroundColor = "#222327";

Answer №2

To achieve this, consider using a class in place of a function. This allows for encapsulation of the i variable. Private members (#) were utilized within the class since they are not needed outside of it.

class background {


change() {
  this.#elem.backgroundColor = this.#i?"#29fd53":"#222327";

bkg=new background();
    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    min-height: 100vh;
    background: #222327;
<div class="box">
<button onclick="bkg.change();" class="menuButton">≣</button>

Answer №3

As previously mentioned by @Teemu, the getComputedStyle() function returns an rgb() value. To obtain the HEX code, you can utilize a CSS variable instead of creating a conversion function from RGB to HEX.

The trim function is utilized to eliminate trailing spaces.

function changeBgC(){
  let bgColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--bg-color').trim();
  if(bgColor == "#222327"){'--bg-color', '#29fd53');
  } else {'--bg-color', '#222327');
   --bg-color: #222327;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    min-height: 100vh;
    background-color: var(--bg-color);
<div class="box">
  <button onclick="changeBgC()" class="menuButton">≣</button>

Answer №4

To optimize performance and simplify maintenance, it's recommended to avoid using JavaScript for directly altering element styles when switching themes.

Instead, a more efficient solution is to utilize CSS variables for theme changes, offering benefits such as enhanced performance, ease of maintenance, and increased flexibility.

Here's how you can implement CSS variables to toggle between light and dark themes:

  1. Utilize CSS variables for color adjustments:
.theme-light {
  --bg-primary: #29fd53;

.theme-dark {
  --bg-primary: #222327;

body {
  background: var(--bg-primary);
  1. Switching between different themes:
function switchTheme() {
    let themes = ['theme-light', 'theme-dark'];
    let currentTheme = [...document.body.classList].find(c => themes.includes(c)) ?? themes[0]
    let nextTheme = themes[themes.indexOf(currentTheme)+1] ?? themes[0]
    document.body.classList.remove(...themes) // removes all theme classes, including the current one
  1. Include the HTML snippet:
<div class="box">
  <button onclick="switchTheme()" class="menuButton">≣</button>
  1. Ensure to set an initial body class with one of the theme options:
<body class="theme-light">
<body class="theme-dark">

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