I made three buttons for three different tabs.
Is there a way to include an underline below the active tab button (under the red "zone")?
I'm aiming for something similar to mat-tab.
Any assistance is appreciated!
viewMode = 'tab1';
<div class="d-flex flex-nowrap myrow">
<a (click)="viewMode ='tab1';" class="btn" [class.activebtn1]="viewMode == 'tab1'" rel="tab1">TAB1 BUTTON
<a (click)="viewMode ='tab2'" class="btn" [class.activebtn]="viewMode == 'tab2'" rel="tab2">TAB2 BUTTON
<a (click)="viewMode ='tab3'" class="btn" [class.activebtn]="viewMode == 'tab3'" rel="tab3">TAB3 BUTTON
<div [ngSwitch]="viewMode" style="margin-top:50px">
<div id="tab1" *ngSwitchCase="'tab1'" [@slideInOut]>
<div id="tab2" *ngSwitchCase="'tab2'" [@slideInOut]>
<div id="tab3" *ngSwitchCase="'tab3'" [@slideInOut]>