Injecting styles dynamically into an Angular component enhances its appearance and functionality

I am in need of help with styling a component using CSS styles specified by an object of selectors to CSS properties. Check out my sandbox here:

Here are the styles to be applied from the parent:

const styles = {
  a: [
    ['color', 'red']
  b: [
    ['color', 'blue']

Now, let's take a look at the component that needs to be styled dynamically:

  selector: 'test',
  template: `
      <span class="a">I am A</span>
      <span class="b">I am B</span>
export class Test implements OnInit {
  @Input() stylesToApply: { [key: string]: string[][] };

  constructor(private _renderer: Renderer2, private _element: ElementRef) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    let styleText = '';
    Object.entries(this.stylesToApply).forEach(([key, value]) => {
        const selector = `:host ${ key }`;
        let propStr = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            propStr += `${ value[i][0] }: ${ value[i][1] };\n`;

        styleText += `${ selector} { ${ propStr } }\n`;

    const styleElement = this._renderer.createElement('style');
    this._renderer.appendChild(styleElement, this._renderer.createText(styleText));
    this._renderer.appendChild(this._elementRef.nativeElement, styleElement);

Although the result should be a <style> element injected into Test as shown below, I'm facing issues where the styles are not being properly applied:

:host a { color: red; }
:host b { color: blue; }

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize the style of an element in Angular, the official documentation provides a helpful guide on how to get started here

Start by creating an object that includes CSSStyleDeclaration properties. For example:

customStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration = { width: '100px', minHeight: '200px', backgroundColor: 'red' }

Then, within your component, you can apply the styles like this:

<div [style]="customStyle"></div>

This method allows you to easily pass styles directly to the element.

Alternatively, you could use @HostBinding, but that may not be the best solution for your specific needs.

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