Increase the visibility of a div using Jquery and decrease its visibility with the "

Can anyone assist me with implementing a "show more" and "show less" feature for a specific div?

I have put together a DEMO on

In the DEMO, there are 8 red-framed div elements. I am looking to display a "show more" link if the total number of divs exceeds 4, and when clicked, all divs should be visible on the same page. Can someone provide guidance on this issue?

<div class="container">
  <div class="post_wrap">
    <div class="pst">
      Post 1
     <div class="pst">
      Post 2
     <div class="pst">
      Post 3
     <div class="pst">
      Post 4
     <div class="pst">
      Post 5
     <div class="pst">
      Post 6
     <div class="pst">
      Post 7
     <div class="pst">
      Post 8
    <div class="test"><a href="">Show More</a></div> 
  <div class="post_wrap">
    <div class="pst">
      Post 1
     <div class="pst">
      Post 2
     <div class="pst">
      Post 3
     <div class="pst">
      Post 4
     <div class="pst">
      Post 5
     <div class="pst">
      Post 6
     <div class="pst">
      Post 7
     <div class="pst">
      Post 8
    <div class="test"><a href="">Show More</a></div> 

Answer №1


div.test { display:none }


1) To start, select all elements with the class '.post_wrap'


2) Next, use the each() function to iterate through each .post_wrap element in the DOM and count the child divs with a class of .pst


Explained further

The reference $(this) points to the specific element that the each() function was used on, in this case, $('post_wrap') The find() method searches within the applied element and locates the specified content, here, it finds every div.pst element Finally, the length property tallies up the discovered elements and assigns the count to a variable named 'divNum'

If the value of divNum exceeds 4

if (divNum > 4)

Show the hidden div.test element


$('.post_wrap').each(function() {
    var divNum = $(this).find('div.pst').length;
    if (divNum > 4) {

Then, when dv.test becomes visible:

$('div.test').click(function() {
    // reveal more divs

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$ShowHideMore = $('.post_wrap');
$ShowHideMore.each(function() {
var $times = $(this).children('.pst');
if ($times.length > 5) {
    $(this).find('span.message').addClass('more-times').html('+ Show more');

$(document).on('click', '.post_wrap > span', function() {
var that = $(this);
var thisParent = that.closest('.post_wrap');
if (that.hasClass('more-times')) {
that.toggleClass('more-times', 'less-times').html('- Show less');
} else {
that.toggleClass('more-times', 'less-times').html('- Show more');

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