Incorrect form element style is only visible when contained within an unstyled HTML Details tag

A demonstration form control extracted from the Bulma CSS framework documentation performs as anticipated with Bulma 0.7.2 (most up-to-date version at the time of writing).

However, when this form is contained within a standard html <details> tag, the element's height and possibly its width (specifically the input?) shift, causing some visual distortion when hovering over the input.

What is the root cause of this issue, and is there a specific style that can be implemented on the <details> tag to ensure proper display of the form element?

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

<div class="field has-addons">
  <div class="control">
    <input class="input" type="text" placeholder="Find a repository">
  <div class="control">
    <a class="button is-info">


  <div class="field has-addons">
  <div class="control">
    <input class="input" type="text" placeholder="Find a repository">
  <div class="control">
    <a class="button is-info">

Edit: To provide a more concise example, the styling also appears incorrect for a single

<input class="input" type="text" placeholder="Find a repository">
element inside the <details> tag.

Answer №1

The issue is arising due to the padding calculation in the input and button being based on em's. This is further complicated by the input being contained within a <details> tag, causing interference with the proportions - Refer to the image below for clarification:

Given my lack of familiarity with this particular framework, it may be challenging to find a direct solution to rectify the problem. Nonetheless, a quick workaround would involve targeting the input and button within the <details> tag and setting a static padding-top and padding-bottom of 0 for both elements:

details .input,
details .button{
  padding-bottom: 0;
  padding-top: 0;

In addition, adjusting the input max-width to 89% instead of 100% has been found to resolve the hovering issue:

details .input{
  max-width: 89%;

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