Incorporating dynamic JavaScript animations with immersive 360-degree images

I've been exploring ways to replicate a solution similar to this one: Sample

During my research, I came across some lightweight jQuery plugins that can enable 360 degree image rotation. However, there are still a few things I haven't figured out:

  • How can I create clickable menu points that rotate with the image?
  • Would you recommend using HTML5 or JS for the initial animation where image components fall down and come together to form one image?

I'm not looking for a definitive solution right now, just some suggestions and ideas on how to tackle this project most efficiently.

Answer №1

My guess is that the interactive design was created using a combination of HTML5 and JavaScript, possibly incorporating plugins like GSAP (there's a cool draggable spinner example on their website) and also

According to comments, it's possible that this started as a 3D model made in Blender , with HTML5 canvas elements for buttons and WebGL.


For 3D model animation utilizing WebGL, the recommended plugin is .

You may find these tutorials helpful as well:

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