Incorporating CSS into React.js applications

I am currently working on a project using In my project, I am utilizing the React.js component Dropdown.

However, the Dropdown component does not come with its own style and CSS, resulting in no styling at all.

import Dropdown from 'react-dropdown';
import styles from './../../../../assets/css/style.css';

class OrderCreateWidget extends Component {
  render() {
        <div className={styles["row"]}>
          <div className={styles["col-lg-12"]}>
            <div className={styles["card"]}>
              <div className={styles["card-header"]}>
                Place Order
              <div className={styles["card-block"]}>
                <h5>*NOTICE* Please make sure that you have "Followers" enabled on your profile so that the share button appears for non-friends too, which will enable us to promote your post.</h5>
                <div className={styles["row"]}>
                  <div className={styles["col-lg-7"]}>
                    <div className={`${styles["row"]} ${styles["form-group"]}`}>
                      <label className={styles["col-md-3"]}>Service</label>
                        <Dropdown options={options} onChange={this._onSericeSelect} value='fb_likes1' placeholder="Select an option" />


This is how the dropdown looks like currently based on the screenshot provided. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

include 'react-dropdown/style.css';

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