Incorporate text onto an image using Semantic UI

Currently, I am utilizing Semantic UI to display images. While it is functioning well for me in terms of adding text near the image, I desire to have the text positioned on top of the image. Ideally, I would like it to be located on the lower half of the image.

Here is my existing code where the text appears above the image:

import { Grid, Image } from 'semantic-ui-react';
{ => (
      <div>{ + ' ' +}</div>

I am wondering if there is a technique or method that allows me to overlay the text from the div directly onto the image itself?

Answer №1

To align the div perfectly within its parent, use absolute positioning

  <Grid.Column style={{ position: "relative", display: "flex"}}>
    <div style={{position: "absolute",bottom: 20}}>
      Displayed Name : Location
    <Image src={element.image} />

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