Incorporate pug and sass into your React project for a more

Are pug/jade and sass compatible with react?

I enjoy organizing my code by separating files, and the functionality that sass and pug provide is great for this purpose.

Is there a way to integrate pug and sass into a react project?

Pug example:

doctype html
html(lang="en", dir="ltr" , xmlns="" , prefix="og: fb:")
    link(rel="stylesheet" , href="style.css")
    p.a minim tamen labore cillum aute nulla quis anim anim summis
      each val in('one','two','three')

Answer №1

Absolutely, Scss can be incorporated into your React Component with the help of a suitable loader. The best option for this is the sass-loader, which can be found at: By doing so, you can easily include

import './styles.scss';

The structure of your component should be in JSX (combination of HTML and JavaScript). However, pug can be utilized in your main HTML file to load your React bundle.




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