Incorporate dynamic interval transitions to the carousel rotation

I'm currently working on implementing a carousel with 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons that slide through images. However, I've been struggling to get the auto-slide feature to work at regular intervals.

If anyone has any suggestions or advice on how to troubleshoot this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.

... (specific code snippets remain unchanged)

Answer №1

Implement the function provided below into your code to enable autoplay:

function initiateSlider() {
    if (current == $('.carousel-item').length) {
      current = 0

    setTimeout(() => {
      let next = current;
      current += 1;
      updateSlide(next, current);
    }, 3000)



The initiateSlider() function is triggered on load, and a timeout is initiated once the specified duration is reached. It then executes the designated function to switch the slide, continues the loop by calling itself again, and checks if the value of current reaches the last index to reset it back to 0.

Note: You have the flexibility to adjust the timeout value for a faster or slower autoplay. Currently, 3000 translates to 3 seconds.


... (Existing HTML content remains the same)

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