Incorporate concealed image into HTML

When I perform actions with a couple of images, I encounter delays because the browser needs to load the images. For example, if I use $('body').append(''); everything works smoothly without any delays.

However, when I try using style="display:none;" on the image, it doesn't load in the browser and there is still a delay when executing the script.

Do you have any alternative solutions to suggest? Thank you!


$('<img/>')[0].src = mouseOverImg;
as suggested in the article "Preloading images with jQuery"

Answer β„–1

Consider employing the CSS property visibility: hidden; as an alternative to display:block;. When using display:none;, no space is allocated within your div for the specified image, and it will only load when set to display:inline; or display:block;.

I trust this information proves beneficial.

Answer β„–2

Consider using

$(document).ready(function(){ ** Put your code here ** });

Answer β„–3

One option is to move its placement off the screen.

This means that although it exists in the HTML, it is deliberately positioned outside of the current user's viewport and therefore not visible.

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