Incorporate an image icon into an Angular grid

Currently, I am in the process of building a web application using Angular. The main goal is to create a grid and color specific cells based on data input.

Below is the snippet of my HTML code:

<mat-grid-list cols="10">
<mat-grid-tile *ngFor="let cell of cells" [style.background]="cell.color" [ngStyle]="{'background-color':getCellColor(cell)}">

Here is the TypeScript code that complements the above HTML code:


var withinA = false;
var withinB = false;

if (this.distance >= cell.minDistanceToA && this.distance <= cell.maxDistanceToA && this.distance > 0 ) {    
  withinA = true;
if (this.distance2 >= cell.minDistanceToB && this.distance2 <= cell.maxDistanceToB && this.distance2 > 0 ) {
  withinB = true;
if(withinA && withinB){
  return "red";
  return "green";

The functionality is working as expected so far.

I now have a requirement to include an image icon within the red-colored cells but I haven't found a solution yet.

Answer №1

Have you experimented with using background: backgroundVariable instead of background-color.

Try assigning a variable to the background property. For the image, utilize the value of url(link), and for the color use the one you already have.

Check out this helpful tool for converting images to data URIs: Data:image maker

var backgroundVariable = "url(data:image/yourOwnImage)"

background: backgroundVariable;

Answer №2

One effective solution would be to leverage Bootstrap for this task. For a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate it, refer to the following link: How to programmatically use bootstrap icons in an angular project?

An example of the final implementation is shown below:

<i class="bi bi-instagram"></i>

Answer №3

Task completed. The Typescript code has been updated:


var withinA = false;
var withinB = false;

if (this.distance >= cell.minDistanceToA && this.distance <= cell.maxDistanceToA && this.distance > 0 ) {    
  withinA = true; 

if (this.distance2 >= cell.minDistanceToB && this.distance2 <= cell.maxDistanceToB && this.distance2 > 0 ) {
  withinB = true;

if(withinA && withinB){
  return "../assets/images/user.jpg";

  return "../assets/images/default.jpg";


The html code has also been revised as follows:

<mat-grid-tile *ngFor="let cell of cells" [style.background]="cell.color" [ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url(' + getCellUrl(cell) + ')', 'background-color': 'green'}">

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