Incorporate a pseudo class to a unique custom template or directive within an Angular project

I have been developing a custom dropdown menu directive in AngularJS. The issue I'm facing is that the buttons in my template become inactive when interacting with the dropdown menu, unlike a regular HTML select which remains active while the dropdown is open. I aim to incorporate this functionality into my directive so that the button stays active until the dropdown is closed.

When a dropdown is active, it should look like this:

However, this is how mine appears when interacting with it and the button becomes inactive. I want the button to stay active until the dropdown is closed:

Below is the code snippet for my directive:

var app_dropdowns = angular.module('dropdown.directives', ['offClick']);

app_dropdowns.directive('dropdownMultiselect', function() {
    // Directive implementation

In addition, I am working on styling the dropselect class with CSS:

.dropselect:hover {
    /* CSS styles */

.dropselect:focus {
    /* Additional styles for active/focused state */

To further illustrate, here is a fiddle:

Answer №1

After some experimentation, I have discovered the solution. The key is to introduce a new class that mirrors the CSS of the desired active state and utilize ng-class to selectively apply that class when the dropdown menu is in use.

For reference, here is a fiddle demonstrating this technique:

The relevant CSS code snippet is as follows:

.dropselect:active, .dropselect:focus, .dropactive {
    height: 45px;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    border: 2px solid black;
    border-radius: 4px;
    color: #2c3e50;
    font-size: 15px;
    line-height: 1.42857143;
    padding: 10px 15px;
    margin: 0;
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;

Additionally, the HTML template incorporates the following structure:

template: "<div class='btn-group' data-ng-class='{open: open}'>" +
        "<button class='btn dropdown-toggle dropselect' ng-class='{dropactive: open}' data-ng-click='openDropdown();' ng-disabled = 'options.length == 0'>{{labelname}}<span class='caret' style = 'margin-left: 20px;'>...

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