Including the file path to an image in a CSS module within a React component from the public directory

I'm currently facing a challenge with adding an image as a background, especially since the image is located in a public folder structure like this: -public -images -image.png -src -assets -components -index.tsx -index.module.css (I want to use the image.png in this file)

If I move the image into src/assets, I can easily reference it as

background: url(./assets/image.png)
and access it within index.tsx. However, my goal is to utilize the image in module.css from the public folder in order to change the image on hover.

.up {
  /*path in source works*/
  background: url(../../../../assets/keyboardKeys/keyboardArrows.png) 150px 51px;   

  /*path outside source. inside public. I want to use this */
  background: url(Assets/keyboardKeys/keyboardArrows.png) 150px 51px; 

When attempting to use the second URL option, I encounter the following error:

Failed to compile.

./src/app/index.module.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./src/app/index.module.css)

Answer №1

Simply access files located in the public folder with ease.

background-image: url(publicFolder/image.png)

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