Include the className attribute on the contents received from dangerouslySetInnerHTML

What is the best way to define the className attribute for a div that contains 'hello world'?

<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: '<div>hello world</div>'}} />

One option is to set it on the outer div like this:

<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: '<div>hello world</div>'}} className='class-name'/>

and then style the child in CSS:

.class-name div {
  (add your CSS styles here)

However, my goal is to directly set the className on the div containing 'hello world'

EDIT: Adding a class name to the injected HTML does not resolve the issue. For example:

let content = '<div class="class-name">hello world</div>'
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: content}}

This approach does not work well when the same content is used multiple times and can lead to CSS collisions (especially when using style-loader with CSS modules)

Answer №1

It has been two years since I stumbled upon this question, seeking to achieve the same results. While the answers provided were not quite accurate, a solution was found thanks to @jash8506 and their insightful response to this particular query.

The key to solving this lies in utilizing two essential react hooks.

  1. useRef
  2. useLayoutEffect

As per the documentation, useRef is used for accessing DOM elements in React, while useLayoutEffect serves to read layout from the DOM and trigger a synchronous re-render.

By targeting the firstChildElement within the container div and applying classes to its classList, the desired outcome can be achieved.

Below is an example of the completed code:

const containerRef = useRef();

  if (containerRef.current){

return (
  <div ref={elRef} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: '<div>hello world</div>'}} />

Answer №2

<div className="post-content" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.content}}/>

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