Include links to external CSS and JS files within an Angular 2 component

To exclusively use "Bootstrap Select" in my.component.ts, I attempted the following approach:

  templateUrl: 'my.component.html',
  styleUrls: [
         //Bootstrap Select

However, I encountered the following error :

Can't resolve './' in 'C:.....\app\components'

It appears that Angular 2 is looking for Bootstrap within my local directory. Is there a way to specify that it should search for an external URL instead?

In addition, I also need to include my JavaScript link:

<script src=""></script>

Answer №1

Referencing angular styles documentation.

Utilizing Style URLs from metadata

You have the ability to incorporate styles from external CSS files by including a styleUrls attribute in a component's @Component decorator:

      selector: 'hero-details',
      template: `
        <hero-team [hero]=hero></hero-team>
      styleUrls: ['app/hero-details.component.css']
    export class HeroDetailsComponent {
    /* . . . */

The URL is regarded as relative to the application root, typically where the index.html web page that hosts the application is located. The style file URL does not rely on the component file. Hence, the example URL starts with src/app/. To specify a URL relative to the component file, refer to Appendix 2.

It is also possible to embed tags within the component's HTML template.

Similar to styleUrls, the link tag's href URL is maintained relative to the application root, not the component file.

      selector: 'hero-team',
      template: `
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="app/hero-team.component.css">
          <li *ngFor="let member of">

Incorporating CSS @imports

You can also import CSS files into other CSS files using the standard CSS @import rule. For further information, refer to @import on the MDN site.

In this scenario, the URL is based on the CSS file you are importing into.

@import 'hero-details-box.css';

If necessary, adjusting encapsulation may be required for your purpose. Here's an explanation on it. Check out Load external css style into Angular 2 Component for insights. It offers a solution for integrating an external CDN, but I aim to provide comprehensive details and reasons why it is essential. Rest assured, this method addresses your specific case.

Additionally, there are suggestions above that assist in adding script tags. My recommendation is to directly add it to your component template, ensuring that what is unique to your component is included directly in the html.

Answer №2

In order to properly link your CSS file, make sure to use a relative path.

Start by using "./" followed by the path to your CSS file, for example: "/styles/my-stylesheet.css".

As for the second CSS file being referenced, you can include it in your index.html file like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

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