Include a stylesheet as a prop when rendering a functional component

Using Next.js, React, Styled JSX, and Postcss, I encountered an issue while trying to style an imported component for a specific page. Since the stylesheets are generated for a specific component at render time, I attempted to include custom styles for the component along with the page-specific resources. However, this resulted in the following error:

Expected a template literal or String literal as the child of the JSX Style tag (eg: <style jsx>{`some css`}</style>), but got MemberExpression

I have two functional renders located in separate directories and files - one for a page and the other for a component:


Including that file/directory referencing is not the issue here, below is the code snippet:


import MyComponent from '../../components/MyComponent'
import styles from './styles.css'
import MyComponentStyles from './myComponentSyles'

const MyPage = () => {
  return (
    <div className="my-page-container">
      <style jsx>{styles}</style>
      <MyComponent styles={MyComponentStyles} />

export default MyPage


import styles from './styles.css'

const myComponent = props => {
  return (
      <style jsx>{styles}</style>
      <style jsx>{props.styles}</style>
      <div className="my-component-main-container">MyComponent</div>

export default MyComponent

I am looking for a way to allow MyComponent to receive a stylesheet generated by another component. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

Even though it may not provide a direct solution to the issue at hand, Styled JSX offers a unique feature in the form of the :global() pseudo selector. This allows you to style a component that exists outside the current component's scope. Take a look at this practical example:


.my-custom-page-container :global(.my-external-component){
  background-color: black;

The Next.js documentation provides insights on how to use the :global() pseudo selector:

A Special Case for Global Selectors

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to bypass selector scoping. To cater to this need, Styled JSX introduces the :global() selector, taking inspiration from css-modules.

This feature comes in handy when creating a global class that can be applied to third-party components. For instance, if you wish to style react-select and pass a custom class through optionClassName:

import Select from 'react-select'

export default () => (
    <Select optionClassName="react-select" />
    <style jsx>{`
      /* The "div" element will be prefixed, but ".react-select" won't */

      div :global(.react-select) {
        font-size: 16px;
  </div> )

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