In React js, I wanted to display the animation specifically on the "add to bag" button for the added item

When I click the "add to bag" button, all other buttons also display the animation. How can I make sure that only the clicked button shows the animation? Any suggestions?

<Table responsive>
                  style={{ backgroundColor: "#F5F0E5", fontSize: "20px" }}
              { => (
                <th key={variation.Name}>
                    className="ml=5 p-2"
                    style={{ backgroundColor: "#F5F0E5", fontSize: "20px" }}
                  className="ml=5 p-2"
                  style={{ backgroundColor: "#F5F0E5", fontSize: "20px" }}
              <th className="text-center" />
          { => (
            <tbody key={variations.ID}>
                <td className="text-dark">{variations.VariationSKU}</td>
                { => (
                  <td key={attribute.ID} className="text-dark">
                <td className="text-dark">
                    className={`btn add-to-cart w-100 ${
                      addedId === variations.ID ? submitResponse.class : ""}`}
                    tag={!user ? Link : "a"}
                    to={!user ? "/login" : ""}
                      submitResponse.openState ||
                      Status === "Inactive"`

This is my button code within the table above

 const [submitResponse, setSubmitResponse] = useState({
    class: "",
    openState: false,
  const [response, setResponse] = useState();
  const [addedId, setAddedId] = useState();

  const onSubmit = () => {
      .then(() => {
        // if success add to cart, process success animation
          class: "added",
          openState: true,
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "added txtState",
            openState: true,
        }, 10);
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "added",
            openState: true,
        }, 3000);
        // reset back to normal after 3.5s
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "",
            openState: false,
        }, 3500);

      .catch(() => {
        // if failed add to cart, process danger animation
          class: "danger",
          openState: true,
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "danger txtState",
            openState: true,
        }, 10);
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "danger",
            openState: true,
        }, 3000);

        // reset back to normal after 3.5s
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "",
            openState: false,
        }, 3500);

This is my onSubmit function for displaying the animation after adding an item

Answer №1

To apply the animation class to all buttons on the map:

className={`btn add-to-cart w-100 ${submitResponse.class}`}

You should use a conditional statement to determine which button was clicked. For instance, you could set up a state and assign the added variations.ID to it.

className={'btn add-to-cart w-100 '+((addedId===variations.ID)?(submitResponse.class):'')}

Latest Update :

I have a new suggestion for you:

You might need to make some adjustments:

I've modified your table component:

<Table responsive>
                  style={{ backgroundColor: "#F5F0E5", fontSize: "20px" }}
              { => (
                <th key={variation.Name}>
                    className="ml=5 p-2"
                    style={{ backgroundColor: "#F5F0E5", fontSize: "20px" }}
                  className="ml=5 p-2"
                  style={{ backgroundColor: "#F5F0E5", fontSize: "20px" }}
              <th className="text-center" />
          { => (
              <TableRow variation={variations} />

Remember to pass the variation to each TableRow Component:

function TableRow({variation}) {

  const [submitResponse, setSubmitResponse] = useState({
    class: "",
    openState: false,
  const [response, setResponse] = useState();

  const onSubmit = () => {
      .then(() => {
        // if success add to cart, process success animation
          class: "added",
          openState: true,
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "added txtState",
            openState: true,
        }, 10);
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "added",
            openState: true,
        }, 3000);
        // reset back to normal after 3.5s
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "",
            openState: false,
        }, 3500);

      .catch(() => {
        // if failed add to cart, process danger animation
          class: "danger",
          openState: true,
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "danger txtState",
            openState: true,
        }, 10);
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "danger",
            openState: true,
        }, 3000);

        // reset back to normal after 3.5s
        setTimeout(() => {
            class: "",
            openState: false,
        }, 3500);

  return (<tr key={variations.ID}>
    <td className="text-dark">{variations.VariationSKU}</td>
    { => (
      <td key={attribute.ID} className="text-dark">
    <td className="text-dark">
        className={`btn add-to-cart w-100 ${ submitResponse.class }`}
        tag={!user ? Link : "a"}
        to={!user ? "/login" : ""}
          submitResponse.openState ||
          Status === "Inactive" ||
          variationStatus === "Inactive" ||
          Stock === 0 ||
          variationStock === 0
        style={{ fontSize: "15px", width: "30%" }}
        {...(user && {
          onClick: () =>
              setResponse(addToCart(productid, variations.ID))
        <div className="cart">
            <div />
            <div />
        <div className="dots" />
        {/* {variationStock === 0 || === 0 ? (
    <div className="pl-2 default">SOLD OUT</div>
  ) : (
    <span className="pl-2 default">ADD TO BAG</span>
  )} */}
        <span className="pl-2 default">{result}</span>
        <div className="success">ADDED</div>
        <div className="failed">

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