In need of a solution for this peculiar problem with an html table and css. Let's

Encountering an unusual issue with my table content

.table {

.table tr {

.table td {
  width: 50px;

.table td span {
  padding:3px 5px;


<table class="table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
     <td><span>example 1</span>

Trying to set a white background for the text inside span, without extending it to only the edge of the texts by applying padding.

Some texts end up inside the background, while others don't.

for example
some texts are like these...


| example|

This is what I want.
| example |

Increased the width of td, span and tr but still facing issues.

Answer №1

To solve the issue, try adding display: inline-block; to your span.

While span is typically an inline element, you can still apply padding to it without any problems. The problem arises when the text inside the span exceeds the width of the containing elements like table and td. This causes the text to flow onto the next line. By setting display: inline-block;, you can prevent this wrapping behavior. Alternatively, you can adjust the widths of your table and td to accommodate more text on a single line.

If you observed what seemed like "missing" padding on certain sides of the span, it's likely due to a line-break rather than actual absence of padding. To address this, you can also use white-space: nowrap; on the span to prevent text from wrapping to the next line.

Answer №2

The issue lies in the default setting of the span element, which is display:inline. Since inline elements cannot be sized and always wrap their content, changing the display property to inline-block allows the span to behave like a mix between inline (can be stacked horizontally) and block (can be sized). This change enables the span to fill its container horizontally, resolving the problem.

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