In certain parts of the webpage, the <a> tag appears to be clickable, but unfortunately, the linking

I have a collection of <li> elements, each containing an <a> child element. Within each <a>, there is an <img> tag along with some text. My issue is that the linking functionality only works in certain areas of the <a> element, such as the corners and near the <img> and text, but not across the entire element.

Check out the Link and this JSFiddle for reference.

Answer №1

After removing the li:active selector, my issue was resolved. The reason for this is that the pointer switches between different tags before and after clicking in these areas (<a> before and <img> after).

.menu li:active
margin-right: 8px;
margin-left: 4px;
margin-top: 4px;

You can view the updated version here

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