In a material UI select/menu item component, how can text be wrapped to the next line? (CSS challenge)

I am currently working on displaying a school's canceled classes in a select menu, organized by the day:

However, I have run into an issue where the overflow text is being cut off in my menu when viewed at a mobile resolution in developer tools. Specifically, the thermodynamics class is getting cut off.

For this task, I am using Material UI's select menu with React. You can find more information about Material UI Select here. Additionally, I am utilizing the Menu Item component which can be explored further here. My goal is to allow the classes to list overflow onto the next line within the menu, as shown per day.

The code snippet provided below (which is just an example and not executable) demonstrates how I have set up the functionality:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<FormControl className={classes.formControl}>
      <InputLabel id="demo-controlled-open-select-label" > Filter classes by day</InputLabel>

         {item.SUBJECT === 'OPEN_LEARNING' && 
               <ul className ="stylingList">
               {(state.subjects) && state.subjects.filter(item => 
               (item.SUBJECT === 'OPEN_LEARNING')).map(item => 
                 <li className ="stList">
            //this is just one day.  I do this for all the days.
          ) )

Currently, I have not applied any styles to the listed classes. However, I have assigned class names to allow for customization in the future if needed. At the moment, I have only changed the text color. I attempted using overflow-wrap: break-word; on the li class (stList) but it did not result in the words moving to the next line as intended.

Answer №1

Summary: Change the wrapping style of the Menu Item:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    whiteSpace: "unset",
    wordBreak: "break-all"
const YourComponent =(props)=>{
    const classes = useStyles();
    <MenuItem  classes={{ root: classes.root }}>

Noteworthy Point: The default menu item style whiteSpace: 'nowrap' prevents other wraps from being applied. You can see how the recommended changes function in this snippet.

After making these adjustments, your select's menu items will transition:

From this: to this:

Answer №2

Replace MenuItem with ListItem:

<script src=""></script>

<FormControl className={classes.formControl}>
  <InputLabel id="demo-controlled-open-select-label" > Filter classes by day</InputLabel>

     {item.SUBJECT === 'OPEN_LEARNING' && 
           <ul className ="stylingList">
           {(state.subjects) && state.subjects.filter(item => 
           (item.SUBJECT === 'OPEN_LEARNING')).map(item => 
             <li className ="stList">
        //this is just one day.  I do this for all the days.
      ) )


Answer №3

For my scenario, I opted to utilize the Typography component with the noWrap prop so that the text could be wrapped inside the MenuItem.

The implementation is as follows:

const generateStyles = makeStyles({
  menuItem: {
    display: 'block',

const CustomizedMenuItem ({ value, primaryText, secondaryText }) => {
 const classes = generateStyles();

 return ( 
  <MenuItem value={value} className={classes.menuItem}>
   <Typography variant="body2" noWrap>
   <Typography variant="caption" noWrap>

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