Improving Vue Component on Navigation

I am facing an issue with my navbar where I have two versions.

Version 1 features a white text color, while Version 2 has black text.

The need for two versions arises due to some pages having a white background, hence the requirement for black text.

Both versions of the navbar are separate components but share a lot of CSS styles.

However, when navigating between pages, the text color of the navbar does not change automatically. It only updates after a page refresh.

This behavior suggests that the component might be getting cached. Is there any way to ensure that the component always re-renders when needed?

Answer №1

To enhance your

, consider inserting :key="$route.fullPath" as shown below:

Modify it like this:

<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>

By including a key in your <router-view>, the page will refresh when the URL changes but the component remains the same.

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